Rabu, 17 Juni 2009


· is a kind of text express to saying Thank You

· e.g

Thank you very much

Thank you for your help

· Respons

You’re welcome

Don’t mention it

It’s pleasure

My pleasure


· is a kind of text to praise a someone or something

· complimenting :

v What a nice dress !

v You look so great

v You look very nice

v I really must express my admiration for your dance

v Excellent !

v Nice work !

· Respons :

Ø Thank you

Ø Thank you very much

Ø Really?


· is a kind of text to saying congratulation for someone

· e.g :

§ Congratulations !

§ Congratulations on your succes!

§ Happy brithday

§ Happy new year

· e.g

Juminten : Hi, Jang I have a good news

Ujang : What’s that?

Juminten : I won a singing contest

Ujang : That’s great. I’m happy to hear that, congratulations !

Narrative Text

· is a text that purpose to amuse or to entertain the reader or the listener and deal with actual or vicarous experiance in differant ways to the reader or the listener.

· The general structure of narrative text are :

a) Orientation

Set the scene and introduces the participans

b) Complication

The problem happened in story

c) Resolution

The crisis is resolved, for better or worse

d) Re-orientation

The ending of story

e) Evalution

A stepping back to evalute the story or the moral mesagge of the story.

· The narrative text is used the temporal conjuction


once upon a time.



· The narrative text is used the simple past tense

· Example of narrative text are :

1) Fable : Mousedeer and Crocodile,etc.

2) Legend : Sangkuriang, Malin Kundang, Tangkuban Perahu,etc.

3) Fairy tale : Cinderella,Snow white, Pinocchio,etc.

News item

· is to inform readers, listener or viewers about events of the day which are considered news worthy or important.

· The news item begins with news worthy events, then background events and sources.

· A news item text is a factual text which informs readers of daily newspaper about events ofn the day which are regarded as nems worthy or important.

· The sturcture of the text consist of three parts :

1. News worthy events

Recount the events in summary form

2. Background events

Elaborate what happened, to whom and in what circumstances

3. Sources

Comments by participans in winesses to and authorities expert on the events.


· is information for persuading and motivating people so that it will attract them to the service and the things that are offered or informed.

· Function of advertisement :

* Promotion;

* Communication;

* Information;

· In making an advertisement, keep the following points :

1) Langunge of advertisement :

* Using the correct or suitable words

* Using the interesting and suggestive expression

* Using positive expression

* Text of advertisement should be directed to the goal

2) Content of advertisement :

* Objective and honest

* Brief and clear

* Not allude group or other producer

· Kinds of advertisement :

* Family advertisement

* Invitation advertisement

* News advertisement

* Good advertisement

· Media of advertisement :

* By television;

* By radio;

* By board;

* Veaflet;

* Pamflet;

“Direct and Indirect speech”

· Direct speech => refers to to reproducing another person’s exact words. We

use quatation marks. (“......”)

· Indirect speech => refers to reproducing the idea of another person’s words.

Not all the exact words are used : verb form and pronoun

may change. We don’t use quatation marks.

· example :

Direct speech

Indirect speech

· Vita said, “ I’am tired”

· Mr. Chandra, “ I go to the office”

· Vita said that she was tired

· Mr. Chandra sadi that he went to the office.

· To change Direct speech into Indirect speech, keep following points are :

A. If the main verb of the sentences is in the past (e.g said) the verb in the noun clause is usually also in a past form. Notice the verb changes inthe examples below.

§ e.g

Direct speech

Indirect speech

§ Lenny said, “I study hard”

§ Pino said, “I am playing football”

§ Narmia said, “I have written a letter for my niece”

§ Lenny said that she studied hard.

§ Pino said that he was playing football.

§ Narmia said she had written a letter for her niece.

B. If the main verb of the sentence is in the present (e.g says) no change is made in the verb tense or modalin the noun clause.

§ e.g

Direct speech

Indirect speech

· Aldo says, “I eat fried chicken”

· Rizal says, “I am Reading a Harry Potter novel”

· Aldo says that he eats fried chicken.

· Rizal says that he is reading a Harry Potter novel.

C. When you change a direct speech into the indirect speech form, you also change the adverb of time.

§ e.g

Direct speech

Indirect speech

§ Now

§ Today

§ Tomorrow

§ Next...

§ Last...

§ ....ago

§ Yesterday

§ The day before yesterday

§ Here

§ This

§ These

§ Then

§ That day

§ The next day, the day after, the following day

§ The....after, the following

§ The ....before, the previous

§ ....before

§ The day before

§ Two days before

§ There

§ That

§ Those

· There are kinds of indirect speech :

a. Command/request

b. Question

c. Statement

Descriptive Text

· is a piece of writing or speech that says what someone or something is like.

· Sturcture of descriptive text :

* Definition or clasification => introduces person, thing or plce that will

be desribed.

* Description => Pictures the characteristic of the person, the thing or

the place that’s talked about.

· Mostly, description uses the simple present tense but sometimes it uses the simple past tense when the person, thing or place that is talked about no longer exeists.

· example :

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This is Mr. Altman’s house. It is new, big, and clean. It has two floors. On the downstairs there are a big living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a toilet, and a big bedroom for Mr.Altman and Mrs. Altman.

On the next floor ,upstairs, there are two bedrooms, a play room a toilet, and a big room for watching TV and doing other activities they like. Their children sleep upstairs. They like to play in the play room. There are a lot of things in it. There chairs, a table, and a cupboard that is full of toys.

In front of the house there is beautiful garden. There many flowers in it.The Altman like to stay there.

“Simple Present Tense”

· Simple Present Tense

ð To inform or descrieb about someone or sometihng with time now or today.

· Rumus :

ð S + to be (am, is, are)+ O/C

ð S+ V1 +(s/es) + O/C

· E.g :

§ She is very happy

§ He is diligent student

§ I am confident

§ They are there

§ You are student

§ He goes market every morning

§ She does her homework

§ Ina cooks in the kitchen

§ They study English every week

§ You can come to my house

· Simple Present Tense :

i. Verbal sentences

(+) S + V1 (s/es) + O

(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O

(?) Do/does + S + V1 + O ?

e.g (+) She does her homework

(-) She does not her homework

(?) Does she do her homework ?

ii. Nominal verbal/ non verbal sentences

(+) S + to be (am, is,are) + O/C

(-) S + to be (am,is are) + not + O/C

(?) to be (am,is,are) + S + O/C

e.g (+) She is very happy

(-) She is not very happy

(?) Is she very happy ?

Surprises and Disbelief

· is a expression unbelieve feeling.

· e.g

ð What a surprises !

ð That’s a surprises !

ð Really ?

ð Fancy that !

ð Your kidding ?

ð What ?

ð I find that hard to believe

ð I can’t believe it !

ð That’s true

· example the dialog of surprises or dibelief :

Particia : Hi, Angel. I have a good news for you !

Angel : What that’s ?

Particia : You won a speech English contest yerterday.

Congratulation !

Angel : Really ? I can’t believe it !

“Finite Verb”

· is a verb that is inflected for person or for tense according to the reles and categori of the langunges in which it occurs.

· Finite verb can form “ Independent Clause” which can stand by her own as complete senetnces.

· Indenpendent Clause is a complete sentences it contains the main subject and verb of a sentences.

· In English, only verbs uncertainmood are finite.

· These include :

§ Indicative mood

§ Imperative mood

· Indicative Mood

ð is expression four state of affars.

e.g the buldozer demolished the restaurant

· imparative Mood

ð giving a command

e.g Open your book ! ( positive command)

Don’t that (negative command)

“Noun Phrases”

· is contraction function as subject and object.

· Kinds of Noun Phrases :

* Noun + noun

e.g : Office Boy

* Verb + noun

e.g : Take a bed

* Gerund + noun

e.g : Throwing ball

* Pronoun + noun

e.g : My book

* Adjective + noun

e.g : Black board

* Determiner + noun

e.g : A pen

· The noun phrases in English composed potentially of 3 parts there are :

1. Head : the most usual kind of head of a noun phrases

2. Premodication : consist of a number of word classes in a spesific


3. Post Modicaton : must commonly fillsec not by spesific word classes

or subdasses

Modals in the Past Form

· Will => would

· Can => could

· May => Might

· Shall => Should

· Must => had too

· Petterns of modals in the past form :

ð To offer this expression

e.g Tono : O..gosh ! My tire is flat

Tina : Don’t worry. You could go to school with me

ð To indicate that the ability existed

e.g Rere : can you speak Japanese ?

Lana : Well, I could speak Japanese when I was kid.

ð To express polite request

e.g Mr. Heru : could I use your phone

Miss Lilly : Yes, please !

Mr. Heru : Thank you !

· We use this expression

ð Use this expression to tell posibilities

e.g Riri : Why Ria taking the bus to get home ?

Rara : Maybe seh’s got flat tire

ð Use this expression to expression to express polite request

e.g Dino : Might I borrow the stapler ?

Selly : I’m sorry, I’m using it.

· We use this expression

ð Use this expression for an action that was repeated in the past

e.g Raysa : what did tou usually do for holiday ?

Jeje : when I was a child I would visit my grandma every weekend,

but now not anymore.

ð Insert ratter into the pattern and use this express preferences

e.g Nani : which food would you rather eat ?

Firman : I would rather eat fried chicken than noodles.

“Passive Voice”

· Compare the sentences below :

* My father is repairng the roof


The roof is being repaired by my father

* They built this house in 1994


* This house was built in 1994


* This flower will change your life


* Your life will be changed by this flower





Present Simple

Present Continous

Past Simple

Past Continous

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Will Future

Future Perfect

Going to Future


Am/is/are being+PP


Was/were being+PP

Have/has been+PP

Had been +PP

Wiil be+PP

Wiil have been+PP

Am/are/is going to be+PP

English is spoken here

Excuse the mess, the room is being painted.

I wasn’t invited, but I went anyway.

I felt as if I was being watched.

Has marry been told?

I knew why I had been chosen.

You’ll be told when the time comes.

Everything will have benn done by Tuesday.

Who’s going to be invited?